Behind Gen Z’s Slow Consumption Movement: Questioning the Tech Relationship

Gen Z is questioning their relationship with tech


Social media plays a significant role in shaping Gen Z’s consumption habits. Hubspot reports that 71% of Gen Z identifies social media as their primary platform for discovering products, with 33% making purchases based on influencer recommendations. However, this overreliance on social media has led to overconsumption and financial strain, with a third of individuals admitting to overspending in an attempt to keep up with the perceived “fun” showcased by their peers on social platforms.


In addition to platforms like Instagram and TikTok, the New Wave Youtube movement is gaining traction. This film movement seeks to democratize storytelling and prioritize artistic expression over flashy displays of wealth and sponsored content. Influential YouTubers such as Emma Chamberlain and Van Neistat are unofficially embracing this trend, emphasizing simplicity, creativity, and a slower pace. This counter-cultural shift within the YouTube community echoes the essence of the punk movement, with an anti-trend evolving into mainstream popularity.

A new social media movement is gaining momentum among Gen Z, challenging the status quo of overconsumption and excessive social media influence. This movement, known as “de-influencing” (goes by the hashtag #deinfluencing ), aims to discourage audiences from falling prey to overpriced trends and promotes conscious consumption. As Gen Z navigates the digital landscape, they are questioning their relationship with technology and seeking a slower, more authentic approach to content and product discovery. In this article, we delve into the Gen Z consumption movement, exploring its various facets and the exciting opportunities it presents for brands and creators.


Gen Z’s quest for a slower lifestyle extends beyond social media platforms. The rise of “dumb phones” exemplifies their desire to disconnect from the constant stimulation of smart devices. Concerns about mental health and social media’s impact have prompted some individuals to switch to stripped-down devices that eliminate distracting apps and data mining. This shift towards conscious tech usage is accompanied by the popularity of Y2K fashion, vintage technology like disposable cameras, and the emergence of brands like Lightphone, capitalizing on the demand for simplicity and digital detoxification.


Several parallel shifts influence the anti-consumption trend among Gen Z. Economic crises, growing distrust in influencers, and heightened awareness of dopamine stimulation and mental wellness all contribute to this movement. As these sentiments converge, a tipping point is imminent, where the conscious choices sought by the new generation will run parallel to the mainstream culture of overconsumption. This presents exciting opportunities for brands and creators to tap into the emerging space of conscious, slower consumption and build innovative solutions that align with ethical values.


In this shifting landscape, opportunities abound for forward-thinking businesses and creators. Developing “mid tech” phones/apps or accessories that strike a balance between connectivity and conscious usage can cater to the evolving needs of Gen Z. Additionally, establishing new media platforms and curation brands that promote ethical consumption and offer meaningful content experiences can meet the demand for conscious storytelling.

Gen Z’s consumption movement signifies a powerful shift in mindset, as they question their relationship with technology and seek a slower, more intentional approach to consumption. By recognizing and embracing this evolving trend, businesses and creators can tap into the exciting opportunities presented by Gen Z’s pursuit of conscious, ethical choices. At Chapter3, we are inspired by the transformative potential of this movement and are dedicated to helping businesses thrive in this new era of consumption.

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